Closure update


Ok guys, as you are all aware the PM has declared all gyms are to shut in an effort to force social distancing.

This is unfortunate and out of our hands, but the decision to sit and twiddle thumbs in the meantime is up to us, so with that being said, for the next week or two we will be putting out instructional videos from the WBBA dojo to keep you all ticking over while you're at home weathering the storm.

There is now more than ever the need to stay fit and healthy and we can help you achive that through the synchronicity of social media and good old Martial Arts. Videos will be full short instructionals straight from the syllabus for all grade levels to work on in all programmes.

We will be sending out emails and messages to all students with further details on the online sessions this evening.

In the meantime we ask you to be safe, keep training and look out for those who need the help, martial arts is steeped in honour and its never been a better time to show that to those around us.

We thank you all for your continued support through these very strange and precarious times. Lets stay, safe, stay sharp and crack on   


Neil Williamson
All school update

Due to the Prime Ministers speech on Friday afternoon, we have taken the descion to cancel group lessons tomorrow (Sunday) so we can make a better decision about the following weeks from not only a moral standpoint but also a legal standpoint.

Please bear with us, thank you to those who have called to check if classes are on, keep that fighting attitude.


Neil Williamson
All school notice

An update for all students around training this week - we will still be open as normal but there's a few extra precautions we're asking all students to take -

▫️Could everyone please use the wipes/spray provided to wipe down your gloves and pads before we start the session and after we have finished.

▫️Sparring is cancelled until further notice

▫️There are various ways we'll be training over the next few weeks so if training with a partner makes you uncomfortable at the moment just let us know and we can adjust

▫️Again, if you are showing any of the symptoms please take 7 days off from training and make up any lessons you've missed. If you do take the week out please do send us a message or phone and let us know.

We are continuing to clean down all surfaces before and after everyone session to keep things as clean as possible.

Thanks again for all your understanding and we'll see you on the mats

Neil Williamson
Student & parent notice

Guys we just want to cover all bases and keep us all safe so following on from various updates on the covid-19 coronavirus we are asking that any of our students who have been to any of the countries in the past two weeks who have now brought in quarantine rules (China, Mainland Europe, USA etc) please take 7 days off from training.

We will honour any missed lessons in the following weeks so no one misses out. If we can take a few simple precautions we should be able to carry on training with no issues, that's our aim.

Thanks for your understanding

Neil Williamson
All school notice

Due to the media’s insistence on precautionary measures on the spread of Covid-19 we thought we had better address the issue to reassure you all that things are safe.

Whilst we can and will endeavour to clean down all touchable surfaces in the gym we ask that every student and parent simply do their part and ensure hands are clean, coughs are caught into tissues properly or as advised into the cuff of your elbow, not your hands.

If anybody has any symptoms that may indicate you have a cold please dont come in, any lessons missed during this time will be honoured at a later date so nobody will miss out. Any kids due to take part in grappling please take the time to shower properly as this is skin to skin contact.

Thanks guys, we'll see you on the mats

Neil Williamson
Heads up for this week…

This week we are assessment grading in all syllabus lessons through to Sunday

The Cadets sparring is cancelled this Wednesday but Adults is on as usual 7pm - 9pm

Saturday bag session and sparring is cancelled this week but will resume as normal next Saturday

See you on the mats guys!

Neil Williamson
Weekend schedule

This weekend guys…

Saturday bag session 10am - 11am

Saturday Beginners Sparring 11am - 12pm

Sunday Cadets Grappling 10am - 11am

Sunday programmes as usual from 11.15am onwards

Neil Williamson
Cadets stickwork February

This Saturday the 1st of February is our first Cadets stickwork session of 2020

It's a free session open to all Cadet students starting at 12pm and finishing at 1pm

We provide the sticks guys so come on down and get some practice in!

See you on the mats

Neil Williamson
Great work this week all!

Back in the full swing of things now guys and some great work on the mats from all programmes!

Friday session are all on as usual and we're in Saturday with the bag session at 11am and sparring at 12pm

See you all there guys!

Neil Williamson
Kids grappling

The first kids grappling session of the year is this Sunday 12th January 10am - 11am

This is a free session for our cadet students so bring them down to have a go

Neil Williamson
We're back!

Great first session back tonight across the school

There's no sparring or bag session tomorrow but all will be back to normal Saturday schedule from next week

All programme sessions are back on as usual now so we'll see you on the mats Sunday!

Neil Williamson
Adults programme January offer

Join our Adults programme by the 17th of January and receive the following -

◽Sign up to train twice a week and receive two FREE private sessions to accelerate your learning over a two month period worth £50!

◽Sign up to train unlimited and receive four FREE private sessions to accelerate your learning over a four month period worth £100!

Book in for your free trial week by calling or emailing!

Neil Williamson
Ninja & cadets January offer

Book in your child's trial in either our Ninja programme or Cadets programme and receive unlimited lessons with no fees to pay until January 31st!

Email or call us for more info and to book your child's place now!

Neil Williamson
Post Christmas open mat session

We're having an open mat this Saturday 28th January from 1pm til 2.30pm

This is an opportunity to come down and hit the bags or bring a partner and hit the pads, this isn't a taught lesson but we'll be here guys!

Neil Williamson
Merry Christmas!

We would like to thank all students and parents for all their hard work and support this year at WBBA.

We hope you all have a lovely break and we look forward to seeing you all back on the mats in 2020 to celebrate 15 years of martial arts excellence here at WBBA!

Neil Williamson