This weeks sessions

Just a reminder that we are open as normal this week for all sessions.

Our last sessions are this Sunday 2nd December so come down and get your sessions in this week!

Neil Williamson
December Graduation Grading

A huge congratulations to all of our Cadet and Adult students who came and achieved their new grades yesterday!

Great technique and effort was shown throughout both gradings and all new belts were well deserved!

Well done guys!

Neil Williamson
Student of the Year Awards

We are proud to announce our student of the year in each programme for 2019 are the following students

  • Ninja Student of the Year - Ibrahim Qazi

  • Cadet Student of the Year - Jacob Seal

  • Adult Student of the Year - Simon Byrne

    Congratulations on your achievements and dedication to martial arts this year all - keep it up into 2020!

Neil Williamson
Christmas Dates

Just a few dates for the diary leading up to Christmas:

  • Sunday 8th December - Last kids grappling session of 2019

  • Wednesday 11th December - Kids Christmas Party 6pm - 8pm

  • Saturday 14th December - All School Graduation Grading - Cadets 10am - 12pm Adults 12.15pm - 2pm

  • Wednesday 18th December - Last advanced sparring session of 2019

  • Sunday 22nd December - Last syllabus sessions of 2019

  • Friday 3rd January 2020 - Syllabus sessions as normal

Neil Williamson
Cadets Grappling

The Cadets Grappling session is this Sunday 24th November 10am - 11am

Remember this is a free session open to all cadet students!

Neil Williamson
Ninja & Cadets Christmas Party

This year our kids Christmas party will be held on Wednesday 11th December!

It will be from 6pm - 8pm

Please let Laura at reception know if your child will be attending as soon as possible

Thank you!

Neil Williamson
New Junior Dan Grades

During October three of our Cadet Students passed their Junior Dan Grades and were awarded their Cadet Black Belts

Excellent effort and true martial arts spirit was shown throughout and we couldn’t be more proud of you and the work you’ve put in to this point.

Well done Corey, Fin and Jack!

We also had Jack Grading for his Second Degree on his Cadet Black Belt. Jack showed excellent technical ability and understanding of everything we asked of you.

Massive congratulations to all of you, this is another big step in your continuing martial arts journey

Neil Williamson