All school notice
An update for all students around training this week - we will still be open as normal but there's a few extra precautions we're asking all students to take -
▫️Could everyone please use the wipes/spray provided to wipe down your gloves and pads before we start the session and after we have finished.
▫️Sparring is cancelled until further notice
▫️There are various ways we'll be training over the next few weeks so if training with a partner makes you uncomfortable at the moment just let us know and we can adjust
▫️Again, if you are showing any of the symptoms please take 7 days off from training and make up any lessons you've missed. If you do take the week out please do send us a message or phone and let us know.
We are continuing to clean down all surfaces before and after everyone session to keep things as clean as possible.
Thanks again for all your understanding and we'll see you on the mats