Re-opening on April 12th

Following on from the Prime minister's announcement we are delighted to announce we will be reopen from Monday 12th April

Laura is in the process of contacting all existing members to get your sessions booked in and will be in touch with everyone by Friday at the latest

We can't wait to welcome you all back o ntye mats guys!

Neil Williamson
Reopening nEws

Following on from the announcement today with the dates set out by the Government - as long as everything goes to plan we'll be back from April 12th!

We'll keep you posted with updates as we get any further information

We'll be continuing zoom sessions up until we can open to get you all ready for the hard work back on the mats!

Neil Williamson
All School update

As we're now in Tier 4, we have had to move online classes again for the next few weeks until the next government review

Zoom sessions will be Sunday 12pm - 1pm Cadets 1.15pm - 2.15pm Adults , Tuesday, Thursday & Friday are all 6pm - 7pm Cadets and 7.15pm - 8.15pm Adults. You can join in as many sessions as you'd like across the week.

If you haven't already had the zoom invites and you'd like to join the session, please get in touch and we'll send it across.

Thanks for your continued support guys!

Neil Williamson
Christmas dates

Here's a few key dates for the diary over the next few weeks leading up to Christmas.......

🔥December 10th - 17th - Assessment gradings during lessons for tags

🔥 December 23rd - last Cadet session before Christmas

🔥 Closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day & Boxing Day

🔥 Re-open Sunday 27th December - Wednesday 30th December

🔥Closed New Year's Eve, New Year's Day & 2nd January 2021

🔥 Open Sunday 3rd January 2021

We will be adding extra sessions during December for those that were missed during the second lockdown in November and we'll get out these dates this week

See you on the mats guys

Neil Williamson

We're now re-open guys!

We look forward to seeing you back on the mats this week getting our fitness and technique back up to the level we were before lockdown!

Thanks for all of your continued support throughout all of this guys, we really appreciate it

Neil Williamson
School update

Just a heads up that Laura will be in touch with all parents and students with more info on sessions students the course of tomorrow via message, WhatsApp groups and email

Thanks for all your continued support guys we really appreciate it

Neil Williamson
School Hoody Offer

Winter’s nearly upon us guys and we’ve got an offer on our basic school hoodies!

Get one of our basic school hoodies featuring the school logo in red and the student name just £25 for kids and £30 for adults

These are made to order so see Laura on reception to order yours or for more information!

Neil Williamson
Half Term

Just a reminder guys - we’re still open as usual throughout the half term break.

We’re assessment grading throughout this week so make sure when attending lessons this week you’re in full uniform with your belt

See you on the mats guys!

Neil Williamson

After the government announcement regarding the three tier system, we just wanted to confirm we are still open and working within the covid safe guidelines

If there are any changes at all to the current status, we will put out notices on both our Facebook and website and will contact all students individually

Thanks for your continued support

WBBA Instructors

Neil Williamson
Extra Ninja Class Added!

Due to demand we’re adding an extra Ninja class on a Wednesday!

This is 5pm - 5.45pm and if you’d like a space for your child please let us know and we’ll book them in!

Neil Williamson
New belts awarded!
Collage 2020-09-17 18_31_18.jpg

Well done to all of our students who graded over the last two weeks!

We have had to do it very differently to how we normally would but you all did a brilliant job and worked really hard for your new belts!

Well done guys!

Neil Williamson
Sunday mornings

Brilliant session this morning Ninjas!

As you can see our Ninja sessions are now full for Sundays but there's still space for our weekday sessions to book in

Well done Ninjas! Keep up the hard work!

Neil Williamson
First session back!

🔥 Absolutely brilliant first day back guys!

🔥 Well done to all the Ninjas, Cadets and Adults today for their hard work! We hope you enjoyed it!

🔥 As you can see from the photos, we've changed our set up and added more hanging bags in so everyone has their own space to work in. We'll be adding a few more bags over the course if this week too!

🔥 Cadets session tomorrow for those who have booked Monday as one of their set days is 6pm followed by the ladies class at 7.15pm

🔥 Awesome start guys, we can't wait to see everyone back on the mats over the rest of the week

Neil Williamson
Academy reopening

🔥🔥 Academy Re-Opens Tomorrow!🔥🔥 After 3 months, 160 tutorial videos, 40+ zoom sessions we are finally back on the mats tomorrow!

Thanks to you all for your support throughout this, we really appreciate it guys and can't wait to see you all over this week! Everyone should have their allotted days and times now, make sure you come in full uniform and bring your equipment if you have it

Hands must be washed on arrival and we have cleaning equipment to wipe your gloves down

So looking forward to getting you all back on the mats and working hard! 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻

Neil Williamson
Academy Reopening update

After receiving new guidance from the Government in today's statement, we are planning to reopen from 26th July!

We are working on the details and practices that need to be put into place for us to reopen safely and we'll keep you all posted with further updates via our website, Facebook and messaging.

Thanks for your continued support guys, we can't wait to get back on the mats!

Neil Williamson
School Opening update

Firstly we would like to thank everyone for the support and loyalty shown over these last few weeks, two things that ALL business will be needing in the coming months in hope of returning our society back to normality, which we are all so eager for. We thank you all.

Moving forwards we hope to be able to open under adjusted measures in the next week or two after hearing the government guidance, in the meantime we endeavour to keep the video tutorials coming out to you all, including ZOOM lessons which we are currently working to get up and running from next week so we can keep our bodies strong and skills sharp for our imminent return to the dojo.

It wont be long before we have more details so please bear with it, we hope to see you all soon back on the mats! 👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼

WBBA Instructors

Neil Williamson
Training Videos

The next set of training videos have just gone out guys, it's been great to see you all keeping up with your training and sending us your videos

Cadets - we're looking forward to seeing who got to the highest level in the push up challenge! Only two of the Adults managed to get up to stage four so let's see how many of you can manage it too!

Keep working hard guys!

Neil Williamson
Training videos

Next set of videos have just been sent out! Looking forward to seeing your videos coming back to us!

Cadets the squat competition is on til Sunday, send us your entries!

Next videos will be out Friday!

Stay safe guys and hopefully we'll see you all soon!

Neil Williamson
Cadet Burpee competition winner

We want to say a big thank you to all the Cadets that took part in this week's exercise challenge!

The winner this week is.....Zac! Great form and completion of the exercise buddy!

The next exercise challenge competition will be out soon, let's see who wins!

Hope you've all had a lovely Easter guys

Neil Williamson
Cadets Burpee competition

We've been running the competition through the videos we've been sending out and last Sunday was the start of the cadets Burpee challenge!

So far we have Zac in the lead with 29 and Josie and Cam in joint second place with 24n

Competition ends sunday with the winner announced at 7pm!

Awesome work cadets let's see who's going to win!!!

Neil Williamson