The WBBA family would like to welcome Al-Amin Choudhry to the Cadets programme
During January we are offering all Ninja and Cadet parents free unlimited training
All you need to do is tell us which day you'd like to come in and have a go!
You can do that by either dropping us a message or give us a call
We look forward to seeing you on the mats!
We are back to our normal training schedule from Thursday 3rd January.
We are offering new students a free two week trial throughout January so call or email us now to book in your first session!
Thanks to everyone who came down to the Christmas Party this week!
We hope you all had as much fun as we did!
Check the gallery for more pictures!
A huge congratulations to all of our Cadets and Adults who came down and passed their final gradings of 2018. Excellent technique and effort shown across both gradings and a great way to end the year.
Well done everyone!
We are happy to announce our Student of the Year Awards for 2018 are
Ola Shergill - Ninja Programme
Finley Yates - Cadets Programme
Sarabdeep Rai - Adults Programme
Congratulations on your achievements this year guys, keep up the hard work!
A huge congratulations to Harry for achieving his Ninja Black belt this week! Excellent effort and hardwork, keep it up!
A huge congratulations to Daya and Ola for achieving their Ninja Black belts this week. Excellent effort and hardworking shown throughout their martial arts so far, keep up the good work!
Just a heads up for the next few weeks:
15th December - All School Graduation - Cadets 10am - 12pm - Adults 12.15pm onwards
21st December - Last lessons before school closes for Christmas break
27th December - We are offering an all school session from 12pm - 1.30pm. We are taking a £5 deposit to secure your spot and this will be refunded on the day. Please let Laura know on reception if you will be attending
3rd January 2019 - School re-opens
The Kids Christmas party and Student of the Year presentations for Ninjas, Cadets and Adults will be held here at the Dojo on Wednesday 12th December (times TBC) Please see Laura on reception to confirm if your child will be attending.
The next Stickwork Seminar will be held Saturday 1st December 12.30pm til 1.30pm. this is a free session open to Cadet students of all levels. If you don’t own your own sticks we will provide them on the day
The last Saturday Sparring session of the year will be 24th November 12pm - 1.30pm. Sessions will then recommence January 2019
Well done to all the cadets who attended the Stickwork seminar run by Sensei Neil yesterday
Great session!
A big congratulations to D’marco on achieving his Ninja Brown Belt this week!
Keep up the hard work!
We are holding a free Stickwork session open to all Cadet Students on Saturday 10th November 12pm - 1.30pm.
All Cadet Students are welcome to attend, sticks will be provided if you don’t already have your own.
WBBA Instructors
Well done to all Cadet and Adult students who took part in the graduation grading last Saturday!Great effort shown across the school and a particular congratulations to Josie for taking the trophy for an outstanding grading
Welcome to the Blackbelt family Dan Johnson. It’s been a pleasure to have been part of your 1st dan journey. Learning will now begin! I and the other instructors have great respect for the humble martial artist you have become. We look forward to accompanying you as you continue to progress on to the next level of knowledge….Respect
WBBA are proud to announce that on Saturday the 15th September, after a duly conducted six hour syllabus grading, Mohit Bhatia has passed and been awarded the rank of Second Degree Black Belt (Nidan) with all the rights and honours attached to the grade. The bar has remained high, technical proficiency was shown throughout, true Black Belt attitude and confidence allied with a White Belt state of open mindedness were the order of the day. A big congratulations from all of the WBBA family! Well done Mohit for ascending the mountain a second time!
A big congratulations to Hari & Kayan for passing their Ninja Blackbelt grading during last months grading sessions!
The WBBA family would like to welcome Cintia to the Cadets Programme